I’m doing Shabbat Across Campus for those killed in the Synagogue in Jerusalem.
We're all stunned. We're all in pain.
Our fellow Jews murdered in cold blood while praying.
Most of us are thousands of miles away; yet our very being cries out: What can I do to help?
Yes, there is something we can do.
There's an empty seat at the table of the families of the four who were murdered this week in Jerusalem.
A call to action: Shabbat Across Campus
This week, host your own Shabbat! FREE for JEWISH LONGHORNS!
Fill these empty seats with your presence. In your dorm room, in your frat or sorority, in your apartment, wherever.
We're offering supplies for you to throw your own quick and easy 10-minute Shabbat. We'll provide the Challah, matzah ball soup, two pieces of chicken, candles, grape juice and DIY instruction guide, all you need to do is add friends!
Take 10 minutes! Take 30 minutes! Take the whole Shabbat and do Havdallah the next day! Whatever you can do and whatever works for you.
Brought to you by J-Tribe, a new grass-roots project of JHP: Jewish Heritage Programs, in coordination for this event with Chabad @ UT.
Sign up on our web site. Each kit is good for 2-3 people. Limit 1 kit per person. While supplies last.
(The chicken will be double wrapped — Just so you know, if you double-wrap anything kosher, it can be cooked in just about any oven and still retain is kosher identity.)
This take-home Shabbat kit is FREE! But please consider giving $1 - $5 (or more!), and we'll collect the donations and send them to the Chabad Terror Victims Project in Israel on behalf of Jewish Longhorns.
We're offering this in the merit of those who need a speedy recovery and refua shleima, and for the safety and security and peace in all of Israel and the world.
"A little light dispels a lot of darkness" - The Tanya
We are teaming up with Chabad at UT for the delicious food so you can come anytime on Friday between 10am-4pm to pick up a kit***
Optional Donation to Chabad Terror Victims Project in Israel
You can also bring cash or check when you pick up your Shabbat kit.