The Rohr Chabad Jewish Student Center is looking for a part-time Communication Coordinator. This job is 20 to 25 hours a week, depending on the week. This averages out to 4 to 5 hours a day. Busier days happen during weeks with religious holidays.


Weekly Responsibilities:

  • Create weekly recap videos; taking photos and video from social media throughout week and compiling them

  • Design print flyers to advertise upcoming events

  • Put information together for newsletters, including links to social media and blog posts

  • Help run Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube social media accounts with other team members

Additional Duties:

  • Update content for blog and website

  • Write articles for Jewish newspapers

  • Design informational posters and social media content for specific events or campaigns

  • Other tasks as needed; for example, photographing events, running errands, driving short distances


Required skills:

  • Strong writing skills; familiarity with AP Style preferred

  • Familiarity with online publishing platforms (such as Drupal, Squarespace, Wordpress, etc.)

  • Familiarity with video editing software

  • Attention to detail and deadlines

  • Respectful of religious communities and traditions

  • Flexible to work with others and independently


If interested, please email a cover letter, resume and writing sample to [email protected].