The Rohr Chabad Jewish Student Center is looking for a part-time Communication Coordinator. This job is 20 to 25 hours a week, depending on the week. This averages out to 4 to 5 hours a day. Busier days happen during weeks with religious holidays.
Weekly Responsibilities:
Create weekly recap videos; taking photos and video from social media throughout week and compiling them
Design print flyers to advertise upcoming events
Put information together for newsletters, including links to social media and blog posts
Help run Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube social media accounts with other team members
Additional Duties:
Update content for blog and website
Write articles for Jewish newspapers
Design informational posters and social media content for specific events or campaigns
Other tasks as needed; for example, photographing events, running errands, driving short distances
Required skills:
Strong writing skills; familiarity with AP Style preferred
Familiarity with online publishing platforms (such as Drupal, Squarespace, Wordpress, etc.)
Familiarity with video editing software
Attention to detail and deadlines
Respectful of religious communities and traditions
Flexible to work with others and independently
If interested, please email a cover letter, resume and writing sample to [email protected].