
Sammy Shabbat

Thursday, 25 October, 2012 - 6:42 pm

         Growing up going to Camp Young Judea for the past 11 years of my life Judaism, Zionism, and Israeli culture are very important to me. My favorite time at CYJ was always Friday night Shabbat dinner. Everyone goes to services together and then eats Shabbat dinner as one huge family. As much as I looked forward to and enjoyed Shabbat at camp that was the only time I really celebrated the holiday.

            In college I am very involved with my fraternity, Sigma Alpha Mu (Sammy). I noticed as a freshman that we were not as involved religiously as some of the other Jewish fraternities. Last semester we decided that we wanted to bring Judaism back into the culture of the fraternity and had meetings with Chabbad and Hillel in order to figure out how and increase this aspect. I was really excited to hear this news because Judaism is so important to me.

            A few weeks ago Sammy had a Shabbat dinner at our fraternity house and it was a great success. Sammy members, girls, and other students at the University of Texas all prayed together and had an amazing Shabbat dinner. It was similar to my experience at CYJ and something I am very excited about participating in again.

            This Friday Sammy is having a Shabbat at Chabbad, and I could not be more proud to be a member in this fraternity. Chabbad is a place where Jewish students from all over the University of Texas, regardless of their backgrounds, can come together and have a wonderful time celebrating Shabbat as one big משפחה (Mishpakha). Sammy is becoming more involved in Jewish organizations and having a Sammy Shabbat at Chabbad is an extremely important step.


Comments on: Sammy Shabbat

Fethi wrote...

I know its a really stipud question, but I always wanted to know, how in these types of videos can you hear clear and perfect talking sound when the camereman is like 20metres away? sorry for stipud question but i want to know it